Table of Content
☁️ Introduction
- ⌨️ (0:00:00) Meet Your Instructor
- ⌨️ (0:00:39) Introduction
- ⌨️ (0:04:28) Exam Guide Final
- ⌨️ (0:18:35) AWS Certified Challenge
☁️ Elastic Beanstalk
- ⌨️ (0:19:41) Introduction
- ⌨️ (0:22:55) Supported Languages
- ⌨️ (0:23:34) Web Vs Worker Env
- ⌨️ (0:25:23) Web Environment Types
- ⌨️ (0:26:43) Deployment Policies
- ⌨️ (0:27:57) All At Once
- ⌨️ (0:28:55) Rolling
- ⌨️ (0:29:58) Rolling With Additional Batch
- ⌨️ (0:31:04) Immutable
- ⌨️ (0:32:35) Deployment Methods
- ⌨️ (0:38:17) In Place vs Blue Green Part 1
- ⌨️ (0:41:14) In Place vs Blue Green Part 2
- ⌨️ (0:44:21) Configuration Files
- ⌨️ (0:45:21) Env Manifest
- ⌨️ (0:46:55) Server Configuration
- ⌨️ (0:49:06) EB CLI
- ⌨️ (0:51:12) Custom Image
- ⌨️ (0:53:21) Configuring RDS
- ⌨️ (0:55:02) Cheat Sheet
☁️ EB Follow Along
- ⌨️ (0:59:03) Cloud9 Setup
- ⌨️ (1:06:33) Open Cloud9 SG
- ⌨️ (1:07:58) Preview App
- ⌨️ (1:17:50) Init Git
- ⌨️ (1:21:28) EB CLI Setup
- ⌨️ (1:26:04) EB Init
- ⌨️ (1:29:19) EB Config
- ⌨️ (1:33:10) EB Create
- ⌨️ (1:42:10) Immutable
- ⌨️ (1:49:28) Blue Green
- ⌨️ (1:58:18) Docker Single
- ⌨️ (2:01:24) Docker External
- ⌨️ (2:15:39) Cleanup
☁️ ECS
- ⌨️ (2:17:11) Introduction
- ⌨️ (2:19:02) Cluster
- ⌨️ (2:20:28) Task Definition
- ⌨️ (2:21:39) ECR
- ⌨️ (2:22:21) Follow Along
☁️ Fargate
- ⌨️ (2:37:21) Introduction
- ⌨️ (2:38:29) Fargate_Tasks
- ⌨️ (2:40:12) Fargate vs Lambda
- ⌨️ (2:42:44) Follow Along
- ⌨️ (2:53:14) CheatSheet
☁️ X-Ray
- ⌨️ (2:55:19) Introduction
- ⌨️ (3:00:04) Anatomy of X Ray
- ⌨️ (3:02:17) Instrumentation
- ⌨️ (3:03:39) X Ray_Daemon
- ⌨️ (3:05:31) X Ray Concepts
- ⌨️ (3:06:32) Service Graph
- ⌨️ (3:07:52) Segments
- ⌨️ (3:09:14) SubSegments
- ⌨️ (3:11:30) Traces
- ⌨️ (3:12:37) Sampling
- ⌨️ (3:14:22) Trace Header
- ⌨️ (3:15:35) Filter Expressions
- ⌨️ (3:16:40) Groups
- ⌨️ (3:18:25) Annotations and Metadata
- ⌨️ (3:19:46) Exceptions
- ⌨️ (3:20:37) AWS Service Integration
- ⌨️ (3:21:22) Supported Languages
- ⌨️ (3:21:49) Cheat Sheet
☁️ ACM
- ⌨️ (3:25:20) Introduction
- ⌨️ (3:27:02) SSL Termination
☁️ Route53
- ⌨️ (3:29:18) Introduction
- ⌨️ (3:30:07) Use Case
- ⌨️ (3:31:15) Record Sets
- ⌨️ (3:32:48) Routing Policies
- ⌨️ (3:34:02) Simple Routing Policies
- ⌨️ (3:34:56) Weighted Routing Policies
- ⌨️ (3:35:58) Latency Based Routing
- ⌨️ (3:37:05) Failover Routing Policies
- ⌨️ (3:38:14) Geolocation Routing Policies
- ⌨️ (3:38:47) Geoproximity Routing Policies
- ⌨️ (3:40:39) Multi Value Answer Policies
- ⌨️ (3:41:07) Health Checks
- ⌨️ (3:42:13) Resolver
- ⌨️ (3:42:49) Cheat Sheet
☁️ API / SDK / CLI
- ⌨️ (3:44:57) CLI
- ⌨️ (3:46:25) SDK
- ⌨️ (3:47:34) Programmatic Access
- ⌨️ (3:48:43) Follow Along Cloud9
- ⌨️ (3:51:29) Follow Along CLI
- ⌨️ (3:56:03) Follow Along SDK
- ⌨️ (4:03:24) Cheatsheet
☁️ KMS
- ⌨️ (4:04:29) Introduction
- ⌨️ (4:07:25) Customer Master Keys
- ⌨️ (4:11:05) KMS CLI
- ⌨️ (4:12:31) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Cognito
- ⌨️ (4:14:19) Introduction
- ⌨️ (4:15:01) Web Identity Federation
- ⌨️ (4:16:06) User Pools
- ⌨️ (4:18:09) Identity Pools
- ⌨️ (4:19:22) Sync
- ⌨️ (4:20:02) Follow Along
- ⌨️ (4:25:02) Cheatsheet
☁️ SNS
- ⌨️ (4:26:20) Introduction
- ⌨️ (4:29:24) Topics
- ⌨️ (4:30:13) Subscriptions
- ⌨️ (4:31:39) Application as a Subscription
- ⌨️ (4:32:45) Cheatsheet
☁️ SQS
- ⌨️ (4:34:24) Introduction
- ⌨️ (4:37:17) Use Case
- ⌨️ (4:38:15) Limits Retention
- ⌨️ (4:39:15) Queue Types
- ⌨️ (4:40:26) Visibility Timeout
- ⌨️ (4:41:49) Short vs Long Polling
- ⌨️ (4:43:07) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Knesis
- ⌨️ (4:45:13) Introduction
- ⌨️ (4:45:59) Data Streams
- ⌨️ (4:47:30) Firehose
- ⌨️ (4:49:19) Video Streams
- ⌨️ (4:50:06) Data Analytics
- ⌨️ (4:50:51) Cheatsheet
☁️ Parameter Store
- ⌨️ (4:52:50) Introduction
- ⌨️ (4:55:33) Parameter Policies
- ⌨️ (4:56:51) CLI Hierarchy Example
☁️ Secrets Manager
- ⌨️ (4:58:11) Introduction
- ⌨️ (5:00:44) Automatic Rotation
- ⌨️ (5:02:07) CLI
- ⌨️ (5:03:23) Use Cases
☁️ DynamoDB
- ⌨️ (5:05:21) Introduction
- ⌨️ (5:08:09) Anatomy of Table
- ⌨️ (5:09:00) Read Consistency
- ⌨️ (5:11:00) Partitions
- ⌨️ (5:13:08) Primary Keys
- ⌨️ (5:14:17) Simple Primary Key
- ⌨️ (5:15:23) Composite Primary Key
- ⌨️ (5:16:54) Primary Key Design
- ⌨️ (5:18:26) Query and Scan
- ⌨️ (5:19:12) Query
- ⌨️ (5:20:52) Scans
- ⌨️ (5:22:11) Provisioned Capacity
- ⌨️ (5:23:39) On Demand
- ⌨️ (5:25:07) Calculating Reads
- ⌨️ (5:28:45) Calculating Writes
- ⌨️ (5:29:50) Global Tables
- ⌨️ (5:30:56) Transactions
- ⌨️ (5:33:45) TTL
- ⌨️ (5:35:21) Streams
- ⌨️ (5:36:36) Errors
- ⌨️ (5:39:11) Indexes
- ⌨️ (5:40:23) LSI
- ⌨️ (5:42:26) GSI
- ⌨️ (5:43:56) LSI vs_GSI
- ⌨️ (5:46:14) DAX
- ⌨️ (5:49:00) Cheat Sheet
☁️ DynamoDB Follow Along
- ⌨️ (6:05:46) Getting Started
- ⌨️ (6:10:35) Create Table
- ⌨️ (6:15:16) Create Table
- ⌨️ (6:18:01) Batch Write Item
- ⌨️ (6:24:51) Get Item
- ⌨️ (6:27:43) Batch Get Item
- ⌨️ (6:30:50) Delete Item
- ⌨️ (6:32:43) Put Item
- ⌨️ (6:36:37) Update Item
- ⌨️ (6:43:09) Scan
- ⌨️ (6:48:11) Query
- ⌨️ (6:55:12) Transact
- ⌨️ (6:57:10) Delete Table
☁️ EC2
- ⌨️ (6:59:25) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:00:58) Instance Types
- ⌨️ (7:03:02) Instance Sizes
- ⌨️ (7:03:53) Instance Profiles
- ⌨️ (7:05:11) Placement Groups
- ⌨️ (7:06:41) Userdata
- ⌨️ (7:07:36) Mdatadata
- ⌨️ (7:08:22) Cheat Sheet
☁️ VPC
- ⌨️ (7:10:15) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:10:37) Core Components
- ⌨️ (7:12:16) Key Features
- ⌨️ (7:14:22) Default VPC
- ⌨️ (7:15:45) Default Everywhere IP
- ⌨️ (7:16:29) VPC Peering
- ⌨️ (7:18:04) Route Tables
- ⌨️ (7:19:03) IGW
- ⌨️ (7:20:04) Bastions
- ⌨️ (7:21:37) Direct Connect
☁️ Auto Scaling Groups
- ⌨️ (7:22:31) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:23:09) Capacity Settings
- ⌨️ (7:24:20) Health Check Replacements
- ⌨️ (7:25:41) Scaling Policies
- ⌨️ (7:27:30) ELB Integration
- ⌨️ (7:28:20) Use Case
- ⌨️ (7:29:22) Lauch Configuration
- ⌨️ (7:30:54) Cheat Sheet
☁️ VPC Endpoints
- ⌨️ (7:32:21) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:33:33) Interface Endpoints
- ⌨️ (7:34:40) Gateway Endpoints
- ⌨️ (7:35:17) Cheat Sheet
☁️ ELB
- ⌨️ (7:36:02) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:36:50) Rules of Traffic
- ⌨️ (7:39:01) Application Load Balancer ALB
- ⌨️ (7:39:52) Network Load Balancer NLB
- ⌨️ (7:40:24) Classic Load Balancer CLB
- ⌨️ (7:41:25) Sticky Sessions
- ⌨️ (7:42:22) X Forwarded For Header
- ⌨️ (7:43:19) Health Checks
- ⌨️ (7:44:21) Cross Zone Load Balancing
- ⌨️ (7:45:15) Request Routing
- ⌨️ (7:46:26) CheatSheet
- Security Groups
- ⌨️ (7:48:15) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:49:58) Use Cases
- ⌨️ (7:52:18) Limits
- ⌨️ (7:53:12) Cheat Sheet
☁️ NACLs
- ⌨️ (7:54:29) Introduction
- ⌨️ (7:56:07) Use Case
- ⌨️ (7:56:44) Cheat Sheet
☁️ VPC Flow Logs
- ⌨️ (7:58:06) Create VPC IGW Route Tables and Subnets
- ⌨️ (8:10:34) Launch an EC2 Instance
- ⌨️ (8:15:39) Groups NACL and Bastion
- ⌨️ (8:28:36) NAT
- ⌨️ (8:32:01) Flow Logs
- ⌨️ (8:34:03) Cleanup
☁️ IAM
- ⌨️ (8:35:00) Introduction
- ⌨️ (8:35:13) Core Components
- ⌨️ (8:37:44) Types of Policies
- ⌨️ (8:38:44) Policy Structure
- ⌨️ (8:41:10) Password Policy
- ⌨️ (8:41:36) Access Keys
- ⌨️ (8:42:21) Multi Factor Authenication
- ⌨️ (8:43:09) Temporary Security Credentials
- ⌨️ (8:44:23) Indentity Federation
- ⌨️ (8:46:35) STS
- ⌨️ (8:48:52) AssumeRoleWithWebIdentity
- ⌨️ (8:50:42) Cross Account Roles
- ⌨️ (8:52:04) Follow Along
- ⌨️ (9:00:46) Cheatsheet
☁️ CloudFront
- ⌨️ (9:02:39) Introduction
- ⌨️ (9:03:53) Core Components
- ⌨️ (9:04:57) Distributions
- ⌨️ (9:07:25) Lambda Edge
- ⌨️ (9:09:58) Protection
- ⌨️ (9:11:03) Follow Along Create
- ⌨️ (9:14:51) Follow Along Serve
☁️ CloudTrail
- ⌨️ (9:17:59) Invalidate
- ⌨️ (9:19:35) Cheat Sheet
- ⌨️ (9:21:49) Introduction
- ⌨️ (9:23:20) Event History
- ⌨️ (9:24:09) Trail Options
- ⌨️ (9:25:05) CloudTrail to CloudWatch
- ⌨️ (9:25:40) Management vs Data Events
- ⌨️ (9:26:57) Follow Along Overview
- ⌨️ (9:27:59) Follow Along Create A Trail
- ⌨️ (9:31:10) Follow Along CloudWatch to CloudTrail
- ⌨️ (9:31:45) Follow Along CloudTrail to Athena
- ⌨️ (9:34:13) Cheat Sheet
☁️ CloudFormation
- ⌨️ (9:35:35) Introduction
- ⌨️ (9:37:34) Template Formats
- ⌨️ (9:38:21) Template Anatomy
- ⌨️ (9:41:21) Quick Starts
- ⌨️ (9:42:12) Stack Updates
- ⌨️ (9:45:39) Prevent Stack Updates
- ⌨️ (9:46:31) Nested Stacks
- ⌨️ (9:47:48) Drift Detection
- ⌨️ (9:50:11) Rollbacks
- ⌨️ (9:51:20) Pseudo Parameters
- ⌨️ (9:52:23) Resource Attributes
- ⌨️ (9:54:31) Intrinstic Functions
- ⌨️ (9:57:31) Ref And Get Attr
- ⌨️ (10:00:19) Wait Conditions
- ⌨️ (10:02:21) Follow Along
- ⌨️ (10:35:53) Cheat Sheet
☁️ CDK
- ⌨️ (10:41:42) Introduction
☁️ SAM
- ⌨️ (10:45:07) Introduction
- ⌨️ (10:46:44) Sam Vs CloudFormation
- ⌨️ (10:47:37) SAM CLI
☁️ CI / CD
- ⌨️ (10:49:55) Introduction
- ⌨️ (10:51:43) Continuous Integration
- ⌨️ (10:53:25) Continuous Delivery
- ⌨️ (10:55:14) Continuous Deployment
- ⌨️ (10:56:25) Cheat Sheet
☁️ CodeCommit
- ⌨️ (10:58:29) Introduction
- ⌨️ (11:00:52) Key Features
☁️ Docker
- ⌨️ (11:02:20) Introduction
- ⌨️ (11:06:22) Dockerfile
- ⌨️ (11:09:06) Docker Commands
☁️ CodeBuild
- ⌨️ (11:10:15) Introduction
- ⌨️ (11:11:11) Workflow
- ⌨️ (11:13:19) BuildEnviroments
- ⌨️ (11:14:09) Use Cases
- ⌨️ (11:15:58) Buildspec yml
- ⌨️ (11:18:31) CheatSheet
☁️ CodeDeploy
- ⌨️ (11:19:53) Introduction
- ⌨️ (11:20:53) Core Components
- ⌨️ (11:22:28) In Place
- ⌨️ (11:23:39) Blue Green
- ⌨️ (11:25:28) appspec
- ⌨️ (11:27:55) Lifecycle Hooks
- ⌨️ (11:20:05) CodeDeployAgent ServiceRole
- ⌨️ (11:31:23) Follow Along - Part 1
- ⌨️ (11:58:37) Follow Along - Part 2
- ⌨️ (12:12:56) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Code Pipeline
- ⌨️ (12:14:56) Introduction
- ⌨️ (12:16:41) Actions
- ⌨️ (12:18:22) Example
- ⌨️ (12:19:35) Use Cases
- ⌨️ (12:21:27) CheatSheet
☁️ CodeStar
- ⌨️ (12:22:59) CodeStar
☁️ RDS
- ⌨️ (12:24:39) Introduction
- ⌨️ (12:35:17) Ecryption
- ⌨️ (12:25:59) Backups
- ⌨️ (12:27:24) Restoring Backups
- ⌨️ (12:28:19) Multi AZ
- ⌨️ (12:29:19) Read Replicas
- ⌨️ (12:30:18) Multi AZ vs Read Replicas
- ⌨️ (12:31:41) Follow Create an Instance
- ⌨️ (12:43:03) Follow Along Performance Insights
- ⌨️ (12:44:32) Follow Along Reserved Instances
- ⌨️ (12:46:59) Follow Along Working with Snapshots
- ⌨️ (12:53:55) Aurora Serverless
- ⌨️ (13:04:24) Cheatsheet
☁️ S3
- ⌨️ (13:06:27) Introduction to S3
- ⌨️ (13:08:44) Storage Classes
- ⌨️ (13:11:02) Storage Class Comparsion
- ⌨️ (13:12:57) Security
- ⌨️ (13:15:02) Encryption
- ⌨️ (13:16:26) Data Consistency
- ⌨️ (13:17:30) Cross Region Replication
- ⌨️ (13:18:08) Versioning
- ⌨️ (13:19:36) Lifecycle Management
- ⌨️ (13:20:25) Transfer Acceleration
- ⌨️ (13:21:11) Presigned Urls
- ⌨️ (13:22:38) MFA Delete
- ⌨️ (13:23:35) Follow Along Create and Delete Bucket
- ⌨️ (13:25:33) Follow Along Upload Files And Make Public
- ⌨️ (13:28:27) Follow Along Versioning
- ⌨️ (13:24:30) Follow Along Encryption
- ⌨️ (13:36:40) Follow Along S3 CLI
- ⌨️ (13:41:54) Follow Along Lifecycle Policies
- ⌨️ (13:44:27) Follow Along Cross Region Replication
- ⌨️ (13:47:09) Follow Along Bucket Policies
- ⌨️ (13:50:24) Cheat Sheet
☁️ ElastiCache
- ⌨️ (13:57:11) Introduction
- ⌨️ (13:59:20) Caching Comparison
- ⌨️ (14:00:52) Cheatsheet
☁️ Lambda
- ⌨️ (14:01:34) Introduction
- ⌨️ (14:02:43) Use Cases
- ⌨️ (14:04:11) Triggers
- ⌨️ (14:05:19) Pricing
- ⌨️ (14:06:47) Interface
- ⌨️ (14:07:57) Defaults and Limits
- ⌨️ (14:09:47) Cold Starts
- ⌨️ (14:11:57) Function Versions
- ⌨️ (14:14:16) Aliases
- ⌨️ (14:15:13) Layers
- ⌨️ (14:16:37) Cheat Sheet
☁️ API Gateway
- ⌨️ (14:18:09) Introduction
- ⌨️ (14:19:21) Key Features
- ⌨️ (14:19:56) Configuration
- ⌨️ (14:21:20) configuration 2
- ⌨️ (14:22:58) configuration 3
- ⌨️ (14:23:58) Caching
- ⌨️ (14:24:42) CORS
- ⌨️ (14:26:09) Same Origin Policy
- ⌨️ (14:27:14) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Step Functions
- ⌨️ (14:29:21) Introduction
- ⌨️ (14:32:25) Use Cases
- ⌨️ (14:35:45) States
- ⌨️ (14:44:48) Follow Along
- ⌨️ (15:41:51) Cheat Sheet
☁️ Summary
- ⌨️ (15:44:33) Developer Associate Cheatsheet
- ⌨️ (15:47:38) Booking Your Exam